How will autonomous vehicles impact us?
The first autonomous or self-driving car was produced in the year of 2015. Today in the world, there are more than 19 autonomous parts manufacturers. In advanced countries like the US, these automated vehicles have already started to roam in the streets. They all are integrated with self-driving technologies. Based on the recent inventions and technologies, it can be forecasted that all vehicles will become autonomous. It has also been estimated that by 2035, 10 percent of the total vehicles present on the road will be autonomous. The study also forecasted that by 2050, this number would increase to over 50 percent. This will, no doubt, heavily impact the day-to-day life of a person.
1. Their impact on the Living Arrangements of the people
A report on US real estate predicted that autonomous cars would influence people’s lives where they choose to live. As we all know, commuting can be a very dreadful activity. It is a tiresome factor for a large number of workers all around the globe. This is because many of them spend a significant amount of time of their day on the roads in the traffic. Due to the introduction of autonomous vehicles, people will be more willing to live far from their workplaces as they can easily reach their offices with the help of autonomous cars. Due to this, the commutes will be more acceptable. In this, the time wasted on the road can be spent on other productive activities.
2. They will impact the choice of independent living.
This would be very helpful for the elderly, disabled, as well as the sick. Autonomous vehicles will immensely affect their lives because one major challenge they face in their day-to-day lives is moving around. Many companies are also designing the tools, such as buttons with braille, to help visually impaired people move around.
3. Their Impact on the Job Market
Many active researchers say that there will be a reduction in the number of buses and train drivers. Many people will lose their jobs in the sectors that manufacture other types of cars. Many civil servants who work in the public order and traffic departments will also lose their jobs.
Apart from the disadvantages, the adoption of autonomous vehicles in the cities will also lead to a rise in the employment of scientists in the world. The car cleaners will also be in very high demand to maintain proper hygiene in shared spaces of the car.
4. Its Impact on Businesses
Autonomous vehicles will also impact the living arrangements of the people. One of the significant points that a person can see is people will be able to input their productive activities into the time they are commuting. This will also increase the productivity of the people.
Some studies also indicate that there will be an extra value of over one billion euros. This is a very big indicator of how the e-commerce sector will profit immensely.
After the use of autonomous vehicles, local businesses can also take advantage of location-based services. They can also produce personalized as well as location-specific advertising for their shops.
Last but not the least, one of the major reasons behind the creation of enormous cars is reducing the road accidents that are happening nowadays. It has been seen that 90 percent of road accidents that happen worldwide are due to human error. So, this will have a huge impact on road safety.
At Infosearch, we do various types of annotation services including Autonomous Vehicle Annotation. The company is ISO 27001:2013 certified for Information Security Management (ISMS) and with GDPR compliance. Contact us for your Annotation and other outsourcing requirements.
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