Image Annotation Services At Infosearch
Infosearch offers various types and techniques of Annotation services to all industries of businesses. Contact us to discuss your requirement.
Data annotation types:
1. Image Annotation
2. Landmark Annotation
3. Geospatial Annotation
4. Voice Annotation
5. Text Annotation
6. Video Annotation
Data Annotation techniques:
1. Bounding Box
2. Polygon
3. Cuboid
4. Semantic Segmentation
5. Polyline
6. Lidar
7. Image masking
8. 3D Lidar Segmentation
9. Keypoint
#annotation #annotationServices #businesses #dataAnnotationTypes #ImageAnnotation #LandmarkAnnotation #GeospatialAnnotation #VoiceAnnotation
#TextAnnotation #VideoAnnotation
#BoundingBox #Polygon #Cuboid #SemanticSegmentation #Polyline #Lidar #ImageMasking #3DLidarSegmentation #Keypoint