Image Annotation Services At Infosearch

Infosearch BPO
Jan 11, 2023


Infosearch offers various types and techniques of Annotation services to all industries of businesses. Contact us to discuss your requirement.

Data annotation types:
1. Image Annotation
2. Landmark Annotation
3. Geospatial Annotation
4. Voice Annotation
5. Text Annotation
6. Video Annotation

Data Annotation techniques:
1. Bounding Box
2. Polygon
3. Cuboid
4. Semantic Segmentation
5. Polyline
6. Lidar
7. Image masking
8. 3D Lidar Segmentation
9. Keypoint

#annotation #annotationServices #businesses #dataAnnotationTypes #ImageAnnotation #LandmarkAnnotation #GeospatialAnnotation #VoiceAnnotation
#TextAnnotation #VideoAnnotation
#BoundingBox #Polygon #Cuboid #SemanticSegmentation #Polyline #Lidar #ImageMasking #3DLidarSegmentation #Keypoint

